Keratoconus Treatment in Mumbai

To make the best choices about your health, work with your doctor. Ask questions, share your concerns, and carefully consider their advice.

Vinay K Agrawal offers the finest keratoconus treatment in Mumbai. It uses improved technology to detect and manage all stages of keratoconus. He embraces his excellence with over 24 years of experience. His groundbreaking work in ophthalmology has earned him significant recognition. He was awarded the Bell Pharma Award for his outstanding postgraduate research paper and innovative original research. 

Furthermore, his studies on keratoconus led to the V.K. Chitnis Oration Award. His knowledge and skill extend beyond research, as he holds the position of Chief Medical Editor for Eye World (India) and Ocular Surface Update Magazines.

Contact Lenses for Keratoconus

Keratoconus can be treated with various contact lens designs. There’s no single “ideal” solution – the best option relies on the particular shape of your cornea. Your doctor will assess your eyes to find a lens that provides a great mix of clear vision, comfort, and enduring eye health.

Aspheric lenses provide a good fit for those with tiny to moderate nipple cones. These lenses have a distinct shape. They’re sharper in the center and gently flatten towards the edges, which matches the profile of a keratoconic cornea. The aim is to either softly rest on the top of the cone or make a bit of clearance while aligning lightly with the flatter outer areas of your cornea. Aspheric lenses can also be a good option for people dealing with presbyopia (age-related vision changes) who also have keratoconus. However, the lens must stay centered for the best possible vision.

Different Stages of Keratoconus


Keratoconus not only affects your eyesight; it can seep into every part of your life. Easy daily tasks like reading, computer work, watching TV, or driving can feel like challenges. The strain and insecurity can cause stress and lower self-confidence, making it difficult to enjoy special moments. Even hobbies or sports you love might feel out of reach. This condition can take a toll on your well-being.

Many people don’t realize how common keratoconus is. It was believed to affect only 1 in 2,000 people in the past, but now it’s closer to 1 in 400. This change is due to improved technology, greater awareness, and the work of optometrists like Dr Vinay K Agrawal, who are passionate about helping people manage this condition.

How your keratoconus is treated relies on its seriousness and whether it’s quickly changing. In general, there are 2 primary goals:

  • Slowing the disease:  It helps prevent your cornea from changing shape further. This helps protect your vision for the long term.
  • Improving your sight: This includes finding methods to help you see clearly, even with the changes caused by keratoconus.


Here are a few common approaches:

  • Early stages: Glasses or soft contact lenses may be enough to correct your vision in the starting phase. However, as keratoconus progresses, you may need to change your prescription more frequently.
  • Cross-linking: This treatment uses riboflavin drops and UV light to strengthen your cornea, making it more resistant to changing shape. 
  • Specialized lenses and surgery:   If your vision can’t be corrected well enough with glasses or regular contacts, rigid contact lenses are designed for keratoconus. 

Your eye doctor is the best person to guide you through these options and create a personalized treatment plan! Book your appointment now!

Catching keratoconus early is crucial, as with many other health conditions. If it’s advancing, Corneal Cross-Linking therapy can be a great option. This treatment provides strength to your cornea, stopping the changes that lead to vision issues. Studies show it has a 98% success rate!

Keratoconus can unluckily worsen over time. Although, there’s hope! CXL or C3R (corneal cross-linking) prevents keratoconus from developing and helps preserve your vision. If you have keratoconus, it’s crucial to see a keratoconus specialist regularly for monitoring. This allows them to track changes in your eyes and identify the best time for treatment.

Keratoconus is a lifelong condition, but specialized contact lenses often help manage it and improve your vision. Although keratoconus persists, a corneal transplant may be required in some rare cases. Regular monitoring with your eye doctor is vital for the best possible result.

Keratoconus doesn’t always lead to pain, but it can cause discomfort. Look out for blurry vision, astigmatism, and changes in your cornea’s shape. A few people may have scarring that makes wearing contact lenses impossible, and in some cases, a corneal transplant may be required. If you have keratoconus and experience eye pain, don’t wait – see a keratoconus specialist immediately!

While keratoconus can affect vision, it rarely causes complete blindness. This condition often begins in adolescence. Initially, it may feel like simple nearsightedness and astigmatism, but it has the potential to advance and cause severe vision distortion.

Tears are essential to moisturize your eyes and reduce discomfort and dryness. However, due to your eyes’ inability to disperse tears throughout your uneven cornea, keratoconus can cause dry eyes.

Keratoconus affects both eyes, but it’s common for one eye to worsen. Most people begin to notice signs in their teens or early twenties.

The cost of  can differ on different factors. To get the personalized treatment plan and pricing,keratoconus surgery in Mumbai book an appointment with Dr Vinay K Agrawal, who offers one of the best keratoconus treatments in Mumbai.

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